Category Archives: PMI

remote working smart

Remote Work Should Be (Mostly) Asynchronous

“The pandemic accelerated many trends, from streaming, e-commerce, and food delivery platforms to the widespread adoption of remote work.
But instead of taking advantage of this opportunity to improve how we work, most organizations simply took their offices online, along with the bad habits that permeated them.
A move to a better way of working remotely is desperately needed.
If your digital transformation is going to be successful, you need to give your employees the right tools and systems to work in a digital, distributed, virtual environment.
However, digital tools are only as effective as how effectively you use them, and alignment between managers and employees on remote work best practices will be critical to the success of any digital transformation initiative.”

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social-in-remote-working (Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash)

The importance of the social life in Remote Working

When I worked in an office environment, I could be passive about social interaction because it was an inherent part of my day.

In a remote world, you have to be intentional about in-person socialization.

One of the best things about working remotely is that it leaves me the social energy for the times I want.

Prioritize your social activities, because they are a form of self-care.

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cnr studio smartworking in azienda

Some guidelines for smart working application

An activity of National Research on Innovation about smart working in Italy.

Very interesting view on the internal perception about privilege and potential issues on the carrier on the other hand.

There is a constant in all this case studies, that is the fact that smart working spotlight the weakness of a company, giving the opportunity to improve and fix a lot of aspects. That’s why it could be a great opportunity as also a great cultural obstacle to overcome.

The post is only in Italian

Branson teh future of work

The future of work

The idea of working five days a week with two day weekends and a few weeks of annual holiday is just something people accept. For some reason, it is considered set in stone by most companies. There is no reason this can’t change. In fact, it would benefit everyone if it did.

As Larry (Page) said: “The idea that everyone needs to work frantically to meet people’s needs is just not true.”  We all need to work smarter, not longer.

See the original post.

uk-government-smart-working-london Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

The importance of smarter working practices in government

Uk Government experience, very useful example of Countries that are started an innovation process in the way of manage work and resources, for several years now and with a relevant success.

The Government Hubs Programme will reduce the government estate from around 800 to 200 buildings by 2023, saving approximately £2.4 billion over 10 years. These spaces will support new and developing ways of working, allowing staff to work from a variety of locations, including hubs.

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pm-vs-developer (Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash)

Project Managers vs. Developers, how to Close the Gap

Very interesting post about a real hot topic, that could be so determinant about the quality of the service delivered.

It’s no secret that developers and project managers don’t always see eye-to-eye. In fact, many developers will tell you that their PM simply sucks.

While these sound like surface level complaints, they represent the core problem: disconnect between software engineers and project managers.

Here’s the original post

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chatbot, chat bot, Messenger bot, Telegram Bot, WhatsApp bot

CHATBOT: What it is and why you will soon need one for your business

(overview(): 2 min –  reading time 10 min)


The purpose of this post is to explain in a very simple and easy way to non-tech-experts how they can take advantage using this new tool called chatbot or chat bot.
What it is and which are its potentials for business activities, even for small ones.
The very good news is that, in this start phase, it doesn’t take so much money or so much time to be the first one to offer this service to customers.


It’s gonna be brief and easy, the purpose here is to give you a quick yet useful overview.
The first section is about what a chatbot really is.
The second explains the reason why it is becoming a key tool for communication with customers.
The third is a list of main applications for business.
Titles () summarize the concept so you can have an overview at a glance.  Continue reading

Coding - codice - sviluppo siti - web development - siti gratis -free web site

Easy and free professional website. What you really buy with a service like Wix.

(overview(): 2 min – reading time 8 min)


This post has just a simple purpose, helping non-developers understand what a service like Wix truly gives you.
I am a web developer, so I can see that a website made with Wix, 1and1 etc. is everything but professional and why.
If I am looking for a business on the web and I land on that type of website, the message I get is “we don’t really care about quality and professionality”, so I go over.
But I am aware that not everybody can see what I see and understand what exactly is wrong with those websites.

Here’s what I found on the internet and not only there, concerning the reasons which are easier to understand for non-developers as well.
Wix is one of the most famous, so I focused on it.
This is an attempt to make this topic clearer, in a easy way, for everybody and also for those who were maybe thinking to buy a service like that. Buy? Is it not for free?.. No! Ok, we can go straight to the first point I guess.


It’s gonna be brief and easy, the purpose here is to give you a quick yet useful overview.
Titles () summarize the concept so you can have an overview at a glance. Continue reading