Category Archives: external articles

sole-24-ore- smart working

“Il Sole 24 Ore” has a smart-working section

One of the most important italian economy newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” has a dedicated section about smart-working now.
So the fact that another very important media do this, can only be a positive thing to let this idea and culture grow in Italy.

Here’s the original section
(the posts  are only in italian)

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4 detailed Hacks for Finding Remote Work

Very interesting article that shows 4 detailed tips on finding remote work.

“If you work in tech you already know that finding remote work can be difficult. Even though remote working is on the rise, there are still more people interested in working from home than positions to do so.”

“In this post, I’m going to give you my hacks for finding remote work. These are strategies I’ve used for almost a dozen years to make a full-time living in digital marketing. Let’s get started.”

Original post

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How to Get a Remote Job (and Pitfalls to Watch Out For)

“Now there are more any more companies who are 100% remote, or are trying to add jobs and resources all over the world, and it couldn’t be a better time to look for a remote job.”

“Regarding pitfalls and remote working…
the #1 potential problem still lies mainly in scheduling YOUR time re: health and appointments, etc., because there will always be work to do…
Another caveat I have regarding remote work is make sure you set aside time to form relationships with your coworkers.”

Original post
by Sara Rosso ( (Automattic)

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Only results really matter. Communication, productivity, and happiness.

Another interesting experience on remote/smart working in a fully distributed enterprise. This time not from a digital technician, but by a project manager.


In a remote company how successful you are depends on your results. Nobody cares where you are and how you work, as long as things happen when expected and as promised.

Go to the original post

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An italian TV show talks about remote working

I do not like television. It’s almost ten years I don’t have one, but undeniably in Italy, it’s still the most powerful media. So the fact that a TV show talks about remote working can only be a positive thing.

Here’s the original post.
(both the post and the show are only in italian)

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Google crawlers now execute javascript

It seems to be real. It could be a very interesting and usefull thing, isn’t it?
Check it out:

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Will this really be the next future of web?

Will this really be the next future of web?
This very interesting article talks about the potential evolution to so called “isomorphic-javascript”.
It means JS directly into the server, to fix issues like speed page rendering and seo problems as well.

Check it out:

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